
The development of cytopenic syndrome in chronic liver diseases accompanied by portal hypertension is associated by many researchers with splenomegaly. The article is devoted to the study of the dependence of hypersplenism (cytopenic syndrome) on the magnitude of splenomegaly and the level of portal hypertension, as well as the severity of liver damage in intra- and extrahepatic blockade of portal circulation. The analysis was carried out in 25 children suffering from extrahepatic PH and 46 children with intrahepatic blockade of the portal circulation, who were hospitalized at the age of 3 to 14 years. The development of cytopenic syndrome in children with both intra- and extrahepatic forms of portal hypertension does not depend on the size of splenomegaly. It is reasonable to believe that the cytopenia that develops in children with portal hypertension and splenomegaly is more associated with liver damage and intrahepatic blockade of the portal circulation, as well as the level of portal hypertension.

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List of references

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How to Cite

Tuychiyev Г., Gofurov А., Nematjonov Ф., & Tuychiev Г. (2022). CYTOPENIC SYNDROME IN CHILDREN WITH PORTAL HYPERTENSION. International Journal of Scientific Pediatrics, 1(1), 41–45.
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