
Morphometric indicators of thyroid tumors depend on the quantitative and qualitative changes prevailing in the process of pathological changes and are expressed by different indicators in different histotopographic types of malignant tumors. Purpose: morphometric study of various forms of thyroid tumors based on the expression of a number of immunohistochemical markers and analysis of the results obtained. Materials and methods: 58 microslides from intraoperative biopsy materials received by the Bureau of Pathological Anatomy of the Khorezm region over 5 years were studied. Research results. It has been established that in high-risk forms, the size of the epithelium and nuclei of malignant tumors of the thyroid gland increases, and the size of the cells increases accordingly. Among the most malignant thyroid tumors, the high incidence of follicular-type papillary cancer and the fact that its structure is very similar to follicular tumors indicates a high recurrence rate in cases ranging from 13.2% to 21% during diagnosis and treatment. Conclusions: compared with the data presented in the interpretation of current literature, thyroid tumors are generally closely related to regional pathologies, occurring in certain proportions in each region, as well as the phenotypes of the most common types in diagnosis.

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List of references

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How to Cite

Rajapov А. . (2024). MORPHOMETRIC INDICATORS OF MALIGNANT TUMORS OF THE THYROID GLAND. International Journal of Scientific Pediatrics, 3(6), 623–626. Retrieved from
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