The data of numerous studies on the identification of IDA among the population of Uzbekistan allow us to conclude that this region belongs to a high-risk group. These data require urgent measures to prevent IDA among the population, especially children. The aim of the study was to study the pathogenesis of clinical and laboratory features of iron deficiency in girls aged 12-14 years, permanently residing in the Ferghana Valley of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Object and methods of the study: adolescent girls aged 12-14 years (n=177) of the Uzbek population, respectively, with LAD (45), mild IDA (56) and moderate (25), and the control group (51). For the study, whole blood and serum of adolescent girls with IDA were used. General clinical, instrumental, biochemical and statistical methods for processing the obtained results were used. The data obtained indicate that a decrease in the level of hemoglobin and serum iron in the blood cannot be an objective sign of iron deficiency, their significance increases only with an increase in blood transferrin. Conclusions: a conclusion is made about the priority of iron deficiency in adolescent girls, they have a steady decrease in the number of erythrocytes starting from the LDH stage, where two factors are significant - a decrease in the proliferative activity of nuclear elements, or a shortening of the lifespan of erythrocytes. The decrease in the hemotocrit index (GI) depends both on the overall decrease in the number of erythrocytes per unit volume of blood, and on the increase in the volume of extracellular fluid and plasma.
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List of references
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