
The original article presents the results of studying the cytokine profile in patients with chronic hepatitis and developed informative markers for the prevention of complications. The results of the study are recommended for wide implementation in the practical activities of general practitioners and infectious diseases specialists and therapists of family polyclinics and central district polyclinics of primary health care. The aim of the study was to study cytokines in chronic viral hepatitis in order to develop prognostic indicators of their complications. Materials and methods of research. A total of 64 patients were included in the study, of which 30 patients (group 1) aged 38 to 79 years with chronic viral hepatitis C (HCV) and 34 patients (group 2) aged 31 to 67 years with chronic viral hepatitis B (HCV). At the same time, the average age of patients was y patients of group 1 54.6± 1.89 years, y patients of group 2 45.4± 1.44 years. The control group consisted of 32 healthy people aged 35 to 54 years (average age 44.3 ± 0.95). Statistical processing methods used to assess the reliability of the results obtained were carried out using Microsoft Excel and AtteStat software packages. The analysis included the determination of the arithmetic mean (M), the standard deviation (σ), the error of the mean (m). The results. The study of the interferon status of the patients selected for the study showed an increase in the level of INF-a - by 1.67 times in patients of group 2 against control values, p<0.005. And in group 1 patients, the concentration of INF-a was at the level of the control indicators. INF-γ was increased in patients regardless of the clinical variant of chronic hepatitis, both in patients of group 1 (HCV) - 1.6 times, and in patients of group 2 (HCV) - 1.67 times versus control -30.62± 2.62 pg/ml. Conclusion. Chronic viral hepatitis is characterized by an increase in INF-γ against the background of a decrease in albumin, total cholesterol, and IL-6. In hepatitis B, there is also a 1.5-fold increase in INF-α. The obtained results of the cytokine study indicate the state of combination of HCV with bacterial infection and/or exacerbation of viral-bacterial infection against the background of HCV.

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How to Cite

Navruzova Ш., & Artikova М. . (2024). PROGNOSTIC VALUE OF CYTOKINES IN CHRONIC VIRAL HEPATITIS. International Journal of Scientific Pediatrics, 3(6), 627–632. Retrieved from
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