
Pathomorphological changes in the main morphofunctional areas of lymph nodes of children who died from measles and its complications were analyzed, in which the morphological data of changes in measles and its complicated forms showed the specificity of changes in the immune system during measles and its complications. The goals and objectives of the work: to study the specifics of the general morphological changes in the internal organs of patients who died from measles and the pathomorphological changes that occur in macro- and microscopic examinations of lymph node tissues. Materials and methods: the medical history and autopsy data of patients who died of measles in the winter and spring of 2024 and were examined at the Fergana Regional Pathology and Anatomy Bureau were analyzed. At the beginning of 2024, 10,453 sick children were registered in the first 3 months, most of them were children under one year old, and the rest were children aged 2-5 years. Autopsy sections taken from the internal organs and lymph nodes of a child who died during the study were fixed in a formaldehyde solution (prepared in 10% phosphate buffer) for 72 hours and examined by staining with hematoxylin-eosin dye. Results and Conclusions: in children with measles, pneumonia with a focus in the lungs, interstitial pyelonephritis in the kidney, diffuse and focal hemorrhages in the spleen, dystrophic changes in the liver, acute destructive changes in the heart, thickening of the lymph nodes, edema, reduced follicles, diffuse necrotic foci, nodal capsule and follicular spaces. it was found that it was infiltrated with a large amount of leukocytes, lymphocytes and fibrin.

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How to Cite

Turdimatov Д. ., & Xolmatov И. . (2024). MACRO- MICROSCOPIC CHANGES IN INTERNAL ORGANS AND PATHOMORPHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF LYMPH NODES IN MEASLES. International Journal of Scientific Pediatrics, 3(6), 648–653. Retrieved from
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