In the last decade, the problem of preserving, maintaining and developing mental performance in children has become increasingly important due to the intensification of the educational process, the introduction of new forms of education that negatively affect the health indicators and neuropsychic development of children. Purpose: to study the initial state of mental performance of schoolchildren in Almaty.
Materials and methods: In this regard, the initial state of mental performance of 2134 schoolchildren aged 6-17 in Almaty was studied. The mental performance of schoolchildren was determined at the beginning of the school year by conducting a correction test according to the Anfimov table (4-minute dosed task). Quantitative and qualitative indicators of mental performance were determined. The daily and weekly dynamics of mental performance was analyzed. Results and discussion. The data of the correction test at the beginning of the academic year testified to a satisfactory mental performance. The mental performance of schoolchildren in the study region was characterized by a clear dependence on age (p<0.05). With the increase in the age of schoolchildren, a uniform increase was observed. Schoolchildren of elementary grades were characterized by lower coefficients, which is physiological. Quantitative (volume of work S, Q, M, SPI speed, N) and qualitative (number of errors n, accuracy of task fulfillment А, UVN, Р) indicators corresponded to its 1st phase. At the beginning of the school year, for SD schoolchildren, the period of development is obvious, when the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the test do not reach their maximum, associated with a decrease in concentration, distraction, absent-mindedness. This is especially true for younger schoolchildren, due to the fact that their body is relatively undifferentiated compared to middle school students and adolescents. But in general, the state of SD in schoolchildren at the initial stages of study is gradually increasing and is characterized by the adequacy of the load being performed, and the first signs of fatigue are compensated by strong-willed efforts and positive motivation. Conclusion. The level of mental performance of schoolchildren in grades 1-11 at the beginning of the school year is satisfactory and corresponds to optimal performance and the period of inclusion in work. The weekly dynamics of the mental performance of schoolchildren is characterized by an increase in the coefficient of stability of attention (<0.05), the minimum values of the coefficient of mental productivity at the beginning of the week and its increase at the end of the week, an increase in the speed of information processing at the end of the week and a decrease in the index of stability of attention (p<0.05 ).
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