Review article. Collective data of modern literature data on the prevalence of iron deficiency conditions among adults and children, the importance of iron deficiency for the growth and development of children are given. IDA in Uzbekistan was found in 80% of pregnant women, in 60% of women of childbearing age and in 57% of school-age children. UNICEF data on the assessment of the prevalence of IDA in the countries of Central Asia indicate a high and progressive level of anemia, especially among women and children. Epidemiological studies conducted in various regions of Uzbekistan have shown that the detection of manifest ID in the form of IDA among the most vulnerable risk groups is an impressive value. At the same time, IDA is significantly common among risk groups in the regions of the South Aral Sea region, which is a zone of ecological trouble. Considering that in all epidemiological studies, as a screening method for identifying ID, an analysis of the hemoglobin (Hb) content in the blood is used, which makes it possible to identify only manifest (obvious) ID, then it can be assumed that a large mass of the population suffering from latent (hidden) forms J remains out of the field of view of researchers.
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List of references
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