
The problem of internal picture of disease (IРD) in children with acute leukemia (AL) has not only medical, but also psychological aspects. The psychological study of the personality characteristics of a sick child is one of the ways to reveal the IРD. The purpose of this research work: to study and analyze the clinical and psychological characteristics of IРD and personality in patients with acute leukemia in children of the Uzbek population to optimize psychotherapy, psychocorrection and the processes of their medical and social rehabilitation. Material and Methods: 41 children aged from 7 to 15 years with acute leukemia were examined. The examination program included: experimental, medical and psychological examination of the emotional personal sphere. Results: in patients with АL children of the Uzbek population, the level of personality neuroticism is increased. A complex and dynamic structure of the internal picture of the disease is formed. As a rule, it negatively affects the behavior and mental state of children, interferes with the treatment process and even more maladjusts patients. Such stable personal characteristics as emotional-volitional instability, passivity, self-doubt, lack of sociability, dependence on others, reduced opportunities for social adaptation skills have been identified. Conclusions: The identified personality characteristics significantly reduce the resistance to frustration in a sick child and determine his behavior at the stages of the treatment process. The used psychodiagnostic methods of examination make it possible to determine the psychological characteristics of a sick child, which makes it possible to carry out differentiated psychotherapeutic and psychocorrective work with patients with АP and are of great importance for optimizing the process of their medical and social rehabilitation.

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List of references

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How to Cite

Abdumukhtarova М., Arziqulov А., Sultonova Ф., & Sabirova Н. (2022). EMOTIONAL-BEHAVIORAL REACTIONS AND PSYCHOSOMATIC EXPERIENCES OF PATIENTS WITH LEUKEMIA AS AN INTERNAL PICTURE OF DISEASE IN UZBEK POPULATION CHILDREN. International Journal of Scientific Pediatrics, 1(2), 05–15. https://doi.org/10.56121/2181-2926-2022-2-05-15
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