
Small anomalies of the heart in children are anatomical changes in the architecture of the heart and trunk blood vessels that are not important, and in the functions of the cardiovascular system there are no sudden changes, but with age they can progress and develop. In the syndrome of connective tissue dysplasia of the heart, a violation of the structure and heart rhythm of small anomalies in children was detected. The first to determine the role of the vegetative system in the management of risk factors and heart rhythm in the development of their anomalies. Studies have shown that in 11 (47.8%) children with mitral valve prolapse, the value of the last diastolic diameter of the left ventricle was more than 75 percent, which is higher than in children with additional structures in the left ventricular cavity and significantly higher compared to the size of the inner diameter of the left ventricle in the control group. The most commonly identified small anomalies of the left ventricle: the left ventricle was found to have anomalous located hordes, additional hordes, and the mitral valve prolapse.In children with minor abnormalities of the heart, intra-cardiac hemodynamics is characterized by constant changes in the systolic and diastolic functions of the left ventricle, which can occur due to the adaptive restructuring of intracardial hemodynamics.

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List of references

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How to Cite

Achilova , F. ., Ibatova , S., & Abduqodirova , N. . (2022). PREVALENCE OF SMALL HEART ANOMALIES IN CHILDREN ACCORDING TO ECHOCARDIOGRAPH. International Journal of Scientific Pediatrics, 1(5), 11–15.
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