
The use of BMI for diagnostics of overweight and obesity is justified by the high correlation of its value with the total amount of fat in the body, morbidity and mortality. The aim of the study: to study the characteristics of physical development of children of the Andijan region of the Republic of Uzbekistan depending on the body mass index. Material and methods of research: The work used anthropometric, anamnestic, clinical-epidemiological, laboratory, instrumental, biochemical and statistical. As part of an epidemiological study to assess the incidence of overweight/obesity in children, 2800 children were examined. The inclusion criteria at the first stage were: age from 10 to 17 years, school attendance on the day of the study and the absence of acute diseases with fever. Children were examined using the developed standard questionnaire including personal data (gender, age), physical development parameters (body weight, waist size, abdominal circumference, hip, neck and arm), determination of blood pressure indicators, as well as BMI. Results and discussion: Distribution of children by BMI percentiles showed that 1468 (52.99%) children had values ​​below the 50th percentile, the remaining 855 (47.01%) children had a BMI exceeding 50, of which 252 children (9.09%) had a BMI from the 75th to 85th percentile. All the children we examined were distributed by BMI as follows: with a BMI within the normal range - 2196 children (79.3% of cases), children with BMI violations - 574 (20.7% of cases), underweight 124 children (4.5% of cases), overweight/obesity - 450 children (16.2% of cases). Conclusions: every fifth child had body weight disorders, and the number of children with excess weight and obesity exceeded the number of children with low body weight, which indicates a higher proportion of children with excessive nutritional disorders.

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List of references

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How to Cite

Mamatkhuzhaeva Г. ., & Arzikulov А. . (2024). EPIDEMIOLOGICAL FEATURES OF PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN OF ANDIZHAN REGION OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN DEPENDING ON BODY MASS INDEX. International Journal of Scientific Pediatrics, 3(6), 633–641. Retrieved from https://ijsp.uz/index.php/journal/article/view/259
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