
The relevance of iron deficiency anemia is determined not only by its wide prevalence, but also in connection with the development of polysystemic disorders, dystrophy of internal organs, which is often associated with low physical and mental capacity of adults and children. Objective of the study: To study the frequency of various somatic types of development of girls with varying severity of iron deficiency. Material and methods of the study: 930 children aged 7-10 years were examined, which constituted 77.5% of the selected sample of schoolchildren (1200). To establish the iron deficiency nature of anemia, we were guided by a set of laboratory tests (in more detail below), determination of serum iron in the morning, the coefficient of transferrin saturation with iron (CSI%), total and latent iron-binding capacity (TIBC, LIBC) of blood serum, determination of blood transferrin, etc. Results: The study of the harmony of physical development of the examined girls allowed us to establish (Fig. 3) that pronounced cases of disharmony are detected in girls with grade II severity of IDA (32.0%, p <0.05) versus the control group (13.7%). Consequently, schoolgirls aged 12-14 years with ID have features in somatic development and growth direction that differ significantly from those of their healthy peers. In severe degrees of IDA (grade II), they often have a macrosomatic type of development and a brachymorphic growth direction, which is combined with a pronounced disharmony in the indicators of physical development. Conclusions: healthy schoolgirls aged 12-14 years differ in the structure of the somatic type of development and growth direction, and they have their own characteristics in peripheral blood indicators and iron metabolism.

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List of references

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How to Cite

Atajanova Ш. ., & Arzikulov А. . (2024). FEATURES OF SOMATIC TYPES OF PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT OF TEENAGE GIRLS WITH VARIOUS SEVERITY OF IRON DEFICIENCY. International Journal of Scientific Pediatrics, 3(9), 741–748. https://doi.org/10.56121/2181-2926-2024-3-9-741-748
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