
The article is a review and is devoted to the role of the cardiovascular system in the age-related restructuring of the adaptive mechanisms of the child's body. The heart is a reliable indicator of all events occurring in the body, in this regard, heart rate indicators allow you to monitor the degree of tension of various regulatory circuits during the growth and development of the child. Based on the analysis of the literature, it is noted that the most significant decrease in heart rate during the year is observed from 8 to 9 years old, both in boys and girls. The heart rate of primary school children becomes more stable, but increases significantly under the influence of sudden and strong movements, positive and negative emotions. The level of functioning of the heart rhythm driver during this period is imperfect, which is especially pronounced in girls. Each period of ontogenesis is characterized by a certain relationship between the links of the autonomic regulation of the heart rhythm. It has been shown that the maturation and improvement of the level of functioning and regulation of the heart rhythm in children occurs in waves. At the age of 3 and 5 years, a period of increased sympathetic activity is noted, and at 4 and 6 years, activation of the mechanisms of autonomous regulation is manifested with a decrease in the activity of the central control mechanisms. The wave-like nature of the maturation of cardioregulatory systems was also discovered in the study of schoolchildren aged 7 to 10 and 7 to 13 years.

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List of references

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How to Cite

Arzikulov А., & Numanov Х. (2025). AGE AND GENDER CHARACTERISTICS OF HEART RATE VARIABILITY IN PRIMARY SCHOOL CHILDREN (review). International Journal of Scientific Pediatrics, 4(1), 816–820.
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