
Maqola ko'rib chiqish bo'lib, yurak-qon tomir tizimining bola tanasining moslashuvchan mexanizmlarini yoshga qarab qayta qurishdagi roliga bag'ishlangan. Yurak tanadagi barcha hodisalarning ishonchli ko'rsatkichidir, shuning uchun yurak ritmi ko'rsatkichlari bolaning o'sishi va rivojlanishi davrida turli xil tartibga soluvchi davrlarning kuchlanish darajasini kuzatish imkonini beradi. Adabiyotlarni tahlil qilish asosida yil davomida yurak urish tezligining eng sezilarli pasayishi 8 yoshdan 9 yoshgacha bo'lgan o'g'il bolalarda ham, qizlarda ham kuzatiladi. Boshlang'ich maktab yoshidagi bolalarning yurak urishi barqarorlashadi, lekin keskin va kuchli harakatlar, ijobiy va salbiy his-tuyg'ular ta'sirida sezilarli darajada oshadi. Ushbu davrda yurak ritmi haydovchisining ishlash darajasi nomukammal, bu ayniqsa qizlarda namoyon bo'ladi. Ontogenezning har bir davri yurak ritmini avtonom tartibga solish bo'g'inlari o'rtasidagi ma'lum munosabat bilan tavsiflanadi. Bolalarda yurak ritmini ishlash va tartibga solish darajasining kamolotga etishi va yaxshilanishi to'lqinlarda sodir bo'lishi ko'rsatilgan. 3 va 5 yoshda simpatik faollikning kuchayishi davri kuzatiladi va 4 va 6 yoshda vegetativ tartibga solish mexanizmlarining faollashishi markaziy boshqaruv mexanizmlari faolligining pasayishi bilan namoyon bo'ladi. 7 yoshdan 10 yoshgacha va 7 yoshdan 13 yoshgacha bo'lgan maktab o'quvchilari o'rtasida o'tkazilgan tadqiqotda ham kardioregulyatsion tizimlarning etukligining to'lqinsimon tabiati aniqlangan.

Mualliflar haqida

Adabiyotlar ro'yxati

Abramkin, D. V. Comparison of the significance of changes in heart rate during reflex tests and heart rate variability for predicting sudden cardiac death in patients who have had a myocardial infarction / D. V. Abramkin, I. S. Yavelov, N. A. Gratsiansky // Cardiology. - 2014. - No. 9. - P. 34-41.

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Baevsky, R. M. Analysis of heart rate variability when using various electrocardiographic systems: methodological recommendations / R. M. Baevsky, G. G. Ivanov, L. V. Chireikin // Vestn. Arrhythmology - 2011 - No. 24 - P. 66-85.

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Belozerov, Yu. M. The importance of ectopic cardiac rhythm disturbances in children with complete atrioventricular blocks in determining the prognosis of the disease / Yu. M. Belozerov, B. A. Dinov, L. I. Agapitova // Pediatric cardiology 2012: abstract of the All-Russian congress. Moscow, 2002.-P. 33-34.

Burlutskaya, A. V. Prevalence of functional cardiac arrhythmias in school-age children of the city of Krasnodar / A. V. Burlutskaya, V. G. Abushkevich // Pediatric cardiology - 2002: abstract of the All-Russian Congress. - Moscow, 2012. - P. 240-241.

Gadzhiev, R. S. Quality of medical examination of adolescents in city children's clinics / R. S. Gadzhiev, A. N. Gasanov // Problems of social hygiene, health care and history of medicine - 2005- №2-P. 51-54.

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Qanday qilib iqtibos keltirish kerak

Arzikulov А., & Numanov Х. (2025). BOSHLANGICH MAKTAB BOLALARIDA YURAK RISI O‘ZGARCHILIShINING YOSH VA JINSIY XUSUSIYATLARI (sharh). Xalqaro Ilmiy Pediatriya Jurnali, 4(1), 816–820.
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